Appropriate Footwear Procedure

Welcome to your Appropriate Footwear Procedure


The purpose of this procedure is to establish a procedure where the appropriate rules are put in place for the protection of employees against a wide variety of injuries related to the activity of walking. Injuries like impacts, compression injuries, puncture wounds, twisted ankles, falling from or onto objects as well as slip and fall injuries which are the most common type of injuries when doing this type of activity.


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The activity of walking from one point to another is an inherent part of the activity of the work environment. As the frequency of an activity increases so does the risk profile. It is important that this high frequency activity is carried out in a manner that is safe and causes no harm when done. walking related injuries frequent basic cause are the wearing of inappropriate footwear

If there is an obvious routine violation of this procedure, the Head of Department or Manager of such an employee will counsel the employee in private. If it is necessary, the Manager/ HOD will inform the line Supervisor or ER / HR who will then ask the employee to go home and change into appropriate footwear. If there is a recurring violation, the employee may face formal disciplinary action

In specific work areas such as underground work areas, workshops, laboratories, medical stations, etc., employees will be required to wear the prescribed appropriate footwear that is part of the PPE for that area

Which one of the following statements are correct regarding what is considered appropriate footwear (4)

How to improve the situation/ conditions in workplaces where foot injuries have occurred frequently

Choose incorrect option (1)

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